Let’s talk about Open Banking in Poland

👉🏻 Did you know that Poland ranks 24th of 27 EU Member States in the 2021 edition of the Digital Economy and Society Index, and 22nd in Digital public services?
🇵🇱 Although Poland is Eastern Europe’s largest retail banking market, with a well-established online/mobile banking infrastructure – it’s still not fulfilling its Open Banking potential. Even though the implementation of the PSD2 directive was launched in 2019 in Poland, Open Banking solutions are still not a market standard.
🎯 But, transaction value in the Neobanking segment (fully digital banks) in Poland is projected to reach US$9.95bn in 2022, according to Statista. And the number of users is expected to amount is 1.22m by 2026.
➡️ So, what do you think the problem is?